Nothing Phone (2) en Phone (1) Ontvangen ChatGPT-update

Nothing heeft een nieuwe update klaarstaan voor de Nothing Phone (2) en de Nothing Phone (1). Het is een grote update die onder andere ChatGPT-integratie met zich meebrengt.

Ben jij in het bezit van een Nothing Phone (2) of Phone (1) dan kun je nu controleren of de Nothing OS 2.5.5-update voor jouw toestel klaarstaat. De nieuwste versie van Nothing OS brengt een lange lijst met aanpassingen en verbeteringen met zich mee. De grootste toevoegen is ChatGPT-integratie, waarbij je via Nothing X of de ChatGPT-widget informatie kan opvragen van ChatGPT. De volledige changelog staat hieronder.

Nothing OS 2.5.5
ChatGPT Integration
The following features are available with the latest ChatGPT version installed from the Play Store:
💬 Added a new gesture option in Nothing X to start a voice conversation with ChatGPT for Nothing Ear & Nothing Ear (a). Coming soon to our other audio products.
🤖 Added new ChatGPT widgets to launch ChatGPT in different modes from your home screen for quicker access.
📋 Added a button on the screenshot and clipboard pop-up to directly paste the content to a new conversation in ChatGPT.

More features
📸 Camera now supports Ultra XDR. To set, head to Camera settings > Ultra XDR.
🌅 Within the camera app, Photo and Portrait Modes now feature an HDR switch. Activate or deactivate via the settings at the top.
🚀 Added RAM Booster feature. To set, head to Settings > System > RAM Booster.
🔔 Added a Ring Mode option in Quick Settings for easier sound management.
🎙️ Added a new Recorder widget for effortless audio recording on-the-go.
🔋 Introduced a new Battery widget to monitor power usage more efficiently.
🔧 Added Glyph Interface Debug Mode to developer options.

Improvements and Bug Fixes
📶 Enhanced system stability, NFC functionality, and Wi-Fi connection stability.
🛠️ Optimised animations for smoother widget and app openings.
⚙️ Improved response speed when setting Bluetooth in Quick Settings.
🔊 Optimised volume settings to make interactions more intuitive.
🎵 Improved clarity of album cover display in the Music Player widget.
🔧 Fixed experience issues when switching SIM cards with the Data during call feature enabled.
🔒 Resolved flickering when launching apps from Quick Settings on the lock screen.
🌙 Resolved flickering issues on the AOD interface.
🔧 Addressed the disappearance of lock screen widgets after ending screen share in certain scenarios.
🖼️ Addressed abnormal lock screen wallpaper display when swiping-to-unlock is interrupted.
⌚ Fixed a widget display issue which showed Bluetooth as being off when a watch was connected.
🔄 Resolved frequent refreshing and flickering when setting Wi-Fi in the Quick Settings widget.
👾 Other bug fixes and performance enhancements.

via [droidapp]


Beheerder Gadget en Android liefhebber. Favoriete telefoon: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2.

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